Friday, January 28, 2011

Power Outage & Peanut Butter

It wasn't such a weird Wednesday. It was more on the wonderful side, because the power went out. I love when the power goes out (unless it is for more than a day, in which I start to really love electricity).

Mom Dad and I enjoyed our little party in the dark. And by party I mean we sat around the fire while mom thawed frozen pieces of bread on my knees and then enjoyed our peanut butter & jelly sandwiches for dinner. I also had fun experimenting with the camera for some fun photos. As is evident from the display above.


  1. Very cool pictures! That sounds like a fun power party. Cute mom. Cute Paisley.

  2. Thanks. You know, you could come party in the dark with us if you came up here! Especially on like February 26. Yes, that would be a special day to come.
