August 22
I'm so happy right now I'm having a hard time forming words
to write into an e-mail. But this will probably be really long because it's
What happened?
Tuesday: only had a 2 hour p-day, which made it feel like a
really long week, but then we got a call from a woman in our ward saying she
was feeding us dinner in a few weeks and had invited her friend who had been
asking a lot of questions about the church to come. The friend {named Jacqui}
didn't want to meet with us before because she had never really heard of the
church before and was embarrassed she didn't know about it and wanted to read
up on it first, but Sister Lynsey said she had given her a Book of Mormon and
was taking her over an ensign and friend for her little girls tonight. Made us
so excited we felt we could go another week without a p-day.
Wednesday: Another call from Sister Lynsey that went like
this: " Jacqui called this morning and said she read the articles of faith
and has been praying and reading the scriptures. She wasnts to meet with you
before the dinner. Could you come see her tonight?" wow! We couldn't,
because we were at the Peter Whitmer farm all day, but the Lysney's said they
would take Jacqui and her girls to the Hill Cumorah and Sacred grove. They did,
and watched a new movie about families called 'God's plan' that is really good,
and they loved it. It was so neat to see the Lynsey's excitement for their
friend to be excited about the gospel. Sister Lynsey said it was like one of
those miracles you always hear about, but don't actually think will happen.
Meanwhile, we have been teaching Irene, who is being
baptized THIS SATURDAY! and she is so excited. In her words 'I'm psyched!' {I
didn't know 65 year old women used that word, but I was proved wrong} She is
doing awesome! Hasn't smoked or had a single drop of tea since we taught Word of
Wisdom, and is reading almost everyday, and is already paying tithing.
Thursday: Got a referral for a man named HEctor who saw our
booth at the Wayne County fair and then came to the Hill Cumorah, felt the
spirit very strongly and wanted to meet with missionaries.
Friday: Met Hector. Wow, he is amazing. So humble and
wanting to learn. He prayed at the end of his lesson and it was so sincere. He
just wants to change his life. He is an insurance agent and has had several LDS
clients and said they always were so genuine and seemed like they had something
he wanted, and he wants to find out what it is.
Saturday: Finally got to teach jacqui!! Wish I could
describe how incredibly prepared she is, but I'm sure this won't do it justice.
We came in, she had questions she had prepared to ask us, because she was so
nervous to meet us haha. Questions from 'Will my children be looked down
on because I am divorced?" {she is currently Catholic} to 'Can I not be
sealed to my children?" and one of the first things she said was, ' I read
the articles of faith. I don't have them memorized yet, but I love them."
haha we tried to not have our jaws hang open in the lesson because she was just
so prepared and excited. When we invited her to church she lit up and said,
"oh! can I really come!?" then she wanted us to go invite her girls
to come to. She is such a sweet mom to her 6 and 7 year old. She also said she
doesn't drink coffee, she has decided to stop drinking alchohol and has asked
her mom, who is coming to stay with them for a bit, to stop as well, and asked
to clarify if tithing was 20%. After she asked all her questions she said 'well
I guess my next question is.... what do I do next to become a Mormon?" She
is so excited. She loves studying - has been reading the Book of Mormon and
said she knows it is true. We are excited to teach her the gospel, because she
is so prepared!! We felt so so blessed to be able to teach her.
Sunday: Jacqui and the girls came to church! They liked it.
The high councilman gave a kind of strange talk based off of Elder Uchtdorf's
'The merciful obtain mercy' talk, and jacqui was excited because she had just
read that talk in the conference edition of the Ensign! She had asked for it
after finding a talk about single parents on from last conference. Her girls gave us a
thank you note for coming to their home and helping bring the spirit to make it
feel peaceful and happy.
Hector texted us and said he felt so bad - he had prayed
specifically to wake up for church but hadn't prayed specifically to be alert.
He had come home from his DJ job very late and woke up but fell back
asleep and wasn't able to make it to church, but promised he would try harder
next time.
Then we had this incredible experience at the Hill. A woman
came in whose husband had recently gotten into Anti literature and fallen away
from the church. She was so sad and was on her way home from Boston, and didn't
know what to do. Earlier, a woman and her children and grandchildren had come
in to watch a movie. I knew her because she is in the Pittsford ward and is
incredible. She and her husband were converts when they were first married, and
then he got involved with Anti-literature and fell away for 22 years until he
died. She was so strong and continued to raise her children in the gospel. They
are all active and a wonderful wonderful family {one of her daughters lives in
Rexburg. Do you know the Babcocks?} It was amazing that Sis Woodworth from the
Pittsford ward was there with all her children, I, who knew of her situation,
was there, and this woman who said she had come in even though she was in a
hurry and really didn't know why. They were able to talk, and it is so cool
SIster Woodworth could show all of the people that her choice had blessed. I am
always amazed at how mindful the Lord is of us. Wow. It helped this woman out a
lot, and helped strengthen the woodworths faith that the Lord pleaces us where
he needs us.
Monday: Taught Hector. Set a baptismal date for September
15. He is excited. Already knows about the Word of Wisdom and said he would
stop drinking coffee, and also make Book of Mormon reading more of a priority.
Sorry that was excessive, but I wanted to get it all down.
This work is miraculous because it is the Lord's. Hope you are all happy!
Thanks for your prayers and faith!
Sister A
Sister A
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