Monday, October 22, 2012


Well it was incredible. even more so than everyone said it would be.
Happier than anticipated.
Harder as well.
And definitely the most fulfilled I"ve ever felt in my life.
But then it was time to go home, and that was thrilling too!

Coming home from a mission is a roller coaster of emotions. I've loved seeing family and friends! I've felt so happy and grateful for them this week : for their letters and then their support and friendship when I came home. So thank you.

Then comes the question - what's next? I'm not sure yet, but it's exciting to start again and to find out.  I have enjoyed juggling the experiences of the mission with 'real' life. I'll post again soon, but here are some shots of my past week.


  1. Welcome home Amberlee! It was a wonderful pleasure to read about your mission here and I look forward to hearing about your next adventures.

  2. So glad that you're home and that I got to see you! Thanks for coming to visit us and being one of the first people that Charlie got to meet; he's very lucky! Hope to see you again soon!
