I'm a TA - have I mentioned that? I get to read all sorts of English papers. This week I read a paper that was solely about how"people suck." It was 500 words expressing this individual's concern about ever being able to get married because "all people suck."
I felt so bad after I read it. It's possible that this person just has a very pessimistic view of life - but what if they never really have been shown that people can be wonderful and inspiring? Seriously, what if all they have ever known is that people can be horrible to each other?
Ironically I had this experience later that day:
I was really hungry and knew I would be on campus for a long time, so I went to buy my favorite/cheapest campus food option demi loaf. Isn't it cute? It's so deliciously garlicky and cheesy. Yummy yum yum yummy. Anyway...
It was one of those embarrassing moments when you get to the cash register, search your bag for 3 minutes and then realize for sure you don't have any money with you. Please tell me I am not the only one who does this?
I told the cashier I was sorry and started walking away when she called out, "He just paid for this for you."I turned around and saw the guy behind me in line and told him I was fine - I didn't need it. He said it had already gone through, and even though I could tell that was a lie - the cashier was hesitating as to whether to run the card or not - I just accepted it and said like 5 thank you's.
Honestly, it was only $1.49, but it was just SO NICE. I wish I would have given him a really big hug and asked to be his friend.
It was only a loaf of bread BUT IT PROVED A POINT. People are good! They are surprisingly good in simple, lovely ways. And while some people are pessimistic of life in general, I think there are others who haven't really had the opportunity to witness goodness or have never been taught how to see it.
I wish I would have expressed to that boy how much giving me that bread meant - not because I really needed it, but because someday he is sure to do something like that to someone who does need it. Not for the food, but because they need to be shown that there is good in people.
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