Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lessons from Bowling

I don’t understand bowling, which was made apparent twice this month. How, you may ask, do you not understand a sport that involves throwing a heavy ball down a lane and watching it knock down pins. I don’t know, but somehow it evades me.

On Tuesday I went to a friend’s work party which happily meant free bowling. We started out with six people in our lane but after the third game they decided to all go home. But we couldn’t let a bowling game go to waste! So naturally we decided to bowl two games for six different people. This meant bowling for two hours STRAIGHT. One ball after another. That doesn’t include the hour we had done before.Good practice, I thought until I realized my highest score was in the 80’s. Actually, that is high for me.

BUT I still like bowling. I acknowledge how awful I am at it and yet still enjoy it. I think there is a life lesson in that that I need to apply to myself.

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