Thursday, December 9, 2010

Life is awesome. Life is awkward.

Here are some recent awesome & awkward moments of my life, because those are the two words that probably describe my interactions with other human beings the best:

- Last night was our battleship tournament. In case you were wondering, we did Awesome. Yes, with a capitol A. BUT awkwardly, I forgot my swim suit bottoms, which is a very important item, so Sydney was nice and let me improvise with her pants. It was probably the best swimpant suit to ever be.

- I fell down half of the large staircase in the crossroads this week. But do not worry because I landed it with such prose: in the splits, wearing a dress, with lots and lots of people around. Cheers!

- In Spanish today we were making up sentences and filling in the blank. I am never 100% sure what is going on in that class since I don’t speak Spanish and curiously everyone else seems to be miles ahead of me in this area. Anyway, this was our sentence we were playing around with:
If I were an animal, I would most likely be _________.

In other words, what animal do we think we most resemble? Well with my rough Spanish I thought it was just what animal I would want to be. So I chose: Ballena.


It’s not that I really want to be a whale (although I’m sure it could be fun and people write cute songs about you like ‘baby beluga’) but it was one of the only animals I knew the word for in Spanish.

When it came my time to read what I wrote I was still oblivious to my faulty interpretation. “Soy una Ballena,” I said. I am a whale. My teacher shook her head and said ‘no, no!’

Then, with me still confused, she decided to have a debate about which animal I would be. At the end of the class I found out which ones were agreed on: a deer and a linxs.

Similar, yes?

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