Tuesday, October 2, 2012

189 years of Book of Mormon Testimony!

Friday, September 21, 2012
It's been a long week, because we haven't had p-day, but we do get to write you today! And we will have our p-day on Tuesday back to normal again. This week we had a mission tour from Elder Anthony Perkins. It was great as he talked about making meetings revelatory experiences, and had us write down 2 personal questions that we hoped to have answered by the spirit today. Mine were both answered within the first 20 minutes. It was really really good.

Today is September 21! That means 189 years ago Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith in the upstairs of the log home. Today I got to work at the Joseph Smith Farm, as I did last year as well. I loved taking people on tour and telling them about that. We also read the account of the experience in the front of the Book of Mormon in the home. It has made me reflect on how much I love the Book of Mormon and how important it was for my testimony in my teenage years. I love this Book! We are working with a less active family who have 5 children - the oldest is a 16 year old son, and my greatest desire is for him to go on a mission. He has for a while been the backbone to the family in trying to get them to church, but lately with the start of football season and school and girlfriends his desire has gone down, and so we are doing all we can to help their family develop the habit of reading the Book of Mormon together. I know that Book brings the spirit into homes more than anything.

We had a up and down week. A week and a half ago we had a miracle of teaching Hector's mom! She has been anti against Hector's decision to learn, and so this was a huge step. When we got there we realized we had already met her before! She remembered us, because we talked to her one day about 3 months ago when she was waiting for the bus and invited her to pageant and to learn more. The lesson was so powerful! And she pretty much committed herself to baptism by realizing she needed to be baptized by proper authority, since her baptism as a baby into the Roman Catholic faith did not have the authority. It was awesome! We set the date for her and Hector to be baptized the 22 - tomorrow! Then about 5 days later Hector said she had done a complete 180 and wasn't going to be learning from us or be baptized anymore :( that was sad. Hopefully when we get in again we can see more of what her concerns are, and she will still want to keep learning.

3 weeks ago I took a wonderful woman named Denise on tour at the Joseph Smith Farm. While we were on tour she told me she always wanted to be a member of this church, and never was she in the right place, but she recently had given up everything to be able to meet with missionaries and learn. I talked to her about baptism and reading the Book of Mormon and also talked to her about the plan of salvation, because her mom had recently died. She cried and was so excited to meet with missionaries. Yesterday I found out she will be baptized on the 28!! She is actually in Sister Park {my cute little korean excompanion} area, so we may be able to go to it in Rochester! It made me so happy, because I know how much Denise has been waiting for this opportunity. The lord really prepares people. it's incredible how ready people are to hear the gospel.

oh, and also we got bikes from the ward! Haha riding bikes in skirts is so funny :) I have forgotten any skills I learned from doing it last year and instead just ended up flashing A LOT of people as we were riding around. whoops! Time to find the biker shorts...

I Love you all! 

Sister L

p.s. Sorry my family emails are always so long. Sister Larsen is amazed at how much I can write. So now she just copies my emails and pastes them and sends them to her family haha

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