Sunday, September 16, 2012

car wars

Tue, Sep 11, 2012

 The title doesn't really reflect any of our week other than that we were surprised to find out we share a car with the sisters who just moved in with us, but it hasn't been a problem at all! They are so good about sharing, and since we live the closest to our area we just walked quite a lot this week which was great. We love having sisters live with us! Sister White and Rippstein are great! We were surprised to discover when we talked to the assistants that they hadn't set up the boundaries on the sisters area, and asked us to decide what we wanted them to cover, so last Tuesday night we met with the ward mission leader and split our area and took a little bit out of the Elders. It's a good split, because there was a part of our area we were never able to make it to because it was too far, and I'm really happy it is getting worked now.

This week we didn't have too much going on with investigators, so we were able to tract for the first time in a while and it felt GREAT! We got to talk to a lot of people walking in that neighborhood as well because it wasn't raining. It was a wonderful missionary day!  And a year ago I never thought I would say it felt relieving to tract :)

Today I feel very grateful for the restoration. We watched a talk about the great apostasy at our zone meeting this morning that was given at the MTC, and it was so powerful. It is such a privilege to get to live in a time when Christ's church is on the earth, and even better to get to be a missionary that shares that news with people.

SIster L

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