Trains. Trains. Trains. Trains. Trains.
There was a lot of train riding and this is an example of some of the HUGE stations that Berlin has in great amounts. This is the largest, but think of it like a mall at each train station. I also thought this was a beautiful building.
Okay, so I went Berlin, and it was fantastic, but I first want to gush about the little apartment we stayed at, because it was like this dream european apartment in the middle of the Berlin. So allow me to present, our home for three days:
You first entered into a giant green doorway, which led to a courtyard with ivy and fountains and then up a staircase into the high ceilinged apartment, which looked like it belonged in an IKEA demo room.
Cool door, but I`m not sure why I look so strange. |
Courtyard |
So. Sure, this isn't what you would expect from a Berlin post, but... I think I'm in love with this house and had to dedicate a whole blog to it.
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