Thursday, September 25, 2014

A kiss goodbye

World, meet my blue hair. Blue hair, say goodbye to the world.

Yes, it's true. My beloved and slightly tacky blue (and once purple) hair is going to go away for the rest of my BYU-Idaho career.

My blue hair was a long time in the making. I wanted it for a long time, but the timeline of my life didn't exactly allow for it. For example:

2011(when my blue-hair dream began): missionary
2012: Deseret News Intern (on a scale of 1 to 10, how unprofessional is blue hair?)
2013: Bride-to-be (Who wants their children to look back at wedding photos and see blue hair?)
BUT then obviously, there was no wedding, so the weekend after that whole calling-off-the-wedding-mess I had this realization:

If I'm not getting married, than what's stopping me from putting color in my hair!?!?

Fortunately, my sisters had come to visit and brought a friend who does hair with her, so it was a perfect little anti-depressant for that interesting time of my life.

Since then, my blue & purple hair has seen many happy times and probably been showered far too infrequently (I'm still working on that whole bathing regularly social norm).

Why am I so sentimentally dedicating a whole blog post to my hair? Answer: if I can blog about things like this, than my hair deserves a spot on this blogging world.

So. Blue and Purple it's been great! A fun adventure for my blue hair. A starter for many conversations. But for now it has to go. So here is a kiss goodbye to my little streak of hair personality.

p.s. This blue hair inspired no fewer than 4 other people to also dye their hair blue. I'll let you decide whether that is a positive or a negative.

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