Wednesday, August 13, 2014


This is Conny. She is the cute mom of the family I am staying with, and probably every post I put on here should include something about her, because she has made almost all of my adventures since coming to Bargteheide possible.

I have this opportunity because my aunt Michele has been long time friends with Conny's sisters (and now Conny) and knew that Conny was wondering about the possibility of having a little help with her children. Since I have my seven week break between semesters, I wanted to do it! So I am kind of their test nanny I guess :) To see if this is something they want to do long term. No pressure...

But living with Conny's family hasn't been what other Au pairs experience I think. They are the most gracious people - taking me on day trips to see Germany, giving me time off that I want, encouraging me to get involved, etc. And it's not just Conny, her husband and their children. It's her sisters and their children and her parents as well. They are all amazing people. 

On the night Conny picked me up from the YSA meeting, we decided to go for a little walk around the Alster in Hamburg. It was so beautiful. We chatted and found a little empty dock that we sat on - mostly in silence for a long time. I like people that can appreciate silence. Not everyone is like that. Then she took the long way driving home so I could see beautiful Hamburg at night and the huge moon that was reflecting in the lake.

Conny is a wonderful person. She is like so many of my friends who are mother's that can't quite see how remarkable they are, because often their day to day life can be discouraging with small children. She has been a good friend to me here, and has made this experience really fulfilling.

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