Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The fright of the future

I've always been a planner.
It runs in my blood on both sides. We're the "planning every detail" family.

That's why these last semesters of college - though by far my favorite - have been the most stressful. The giant looming future is not getting any clearer the closer it comes.

It doesn't much matter when you first start college if you don't exactly know what you want to do as a career. Once you pass the hurdle of choosing a major it seems like smooth sailing. Along the way your friends find a passion and their niche in the field of study. They network. They get their internships. They decide they could do that for the rest of their lives.

For me, I've become less and less certain. So for my plan ahead personality, I've tried to ignore what's coming. I dread being asked what I want to do when I graduate, because not only do I not have I job (I'm not unique to most college students nearing graduation)... I don't even have a dream job in mind.

The honest answer is that if I could do whatever I wanted, I would do college all over again. I love college. In this stage of nearing graduation yet still living the college dream, my planning mind is trying to take a break and ignore the fact that in a year, even in six months I won't be here. I will no longer be a student, living with these girls, being by my family or being with the great friends that I have made the past six months.

Even though I know the future will work out and it will be great, for now I am trying to soak in the loveliness that is college life. These pictures are pieces of the awesome that is happening now.

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